Why This Training?
- The One Minute To-Do List is great for a moderate number of tasks, but if your task list gets very large, you need Michael Linenberger's Master Your Now (MYN) system. These classes teach that system in Outlook.
- Michael teaches you how to get ahead of your tasks and your e-mail, using Outlook. With this class you can conquer your out-of-control workday using MYN.
- Students leave with a "changed life." They now know how to master their chaotic workday, using Outlook.
What's Can You Learn?
- Students learn how to use Outlook’s underutilized Tasks module to fully implement MYN.
- Students customize the configuration of the Tasks module to match Michael’s MYN principles of task management.
- Students learn how to use the Start Date field in Outlook tasks for Defer to Do, and Defer to Review, gaining great control over large numbers of tasks.
- Students learn how to empty their inbox using powerful conversion to task techniques.
- Effective methods of filing and finding e-mail are taught—an overloaded inbox will be a thing of the past!.
Once again, thank you , Michael. An excellent use of six hours for training that I know will stand me in good stead going forward. Even though Outlook wasn't a dream when I was 20, the principles of mental order that are built into your MYN system would have been do-able, - even on a system built out of index cards. And, productivity – mine and others – would probably have been five times what it was!
Thanks! John
Outlook Advanced Training
Here are 6 Options
To go beyond the basic One Minute To-Do List book, you'll want to learn Michael Linenberger's more advanced material. First, you can learn more details about using the simple 1MTD system in Outlook, and that's option 2 below. Or you can advance to Michael's very powerful Master Your Now (MYN) system. By doing that, you can manage hundreds of tasks and conquer the busiest workday. See options 1, 3, and 5 below. Or take Michael's new Outlook Inbox Ninja video course, option 4 below, and learn how to keep your Outlook Inbox near empty each day.
Here are six different ways you can advance in Outlook.
#1: Self-Study the Outlook Book
- Buy and read Michael's book Total Workday Control Using Microsoft Outlook. The book is set up in a lesson format and designed for your self-study. You'll learn the complete MYN system. If you can follow step-by-step instructions out of a book (400 pages), this is an inexpensive route to take.
- Powerful methods of filing and finding e-mail are taught—an overloaded inbox will be a thing of the past!
- Learn More
#2: Take the Self-Study 1MTD Video Class
- You can use the simpler One Minute To-Do List (1MTD) system in Windows Outlook, and I have a simple video class that teaches you how.
- Self-study at your own rate. This class contains the core Outlook material from the One Minute To-Do List book, but goes well beyond that book.
- Streaming videos that you can watch at any time.
- Learn More
#3: Take the Self-Study MYN Video Class
- The advanced MYN task material is presented in a video course.
- Self-study at your own rate. These classes contain the core material from the Total Workday Control book, and all the material of the live training, but without the commitment to specific time slots.
- Streaming videos that you can watch at any time.
- Learn More
#4: Take the Self-Study Outlook Inbox Ninja Video Class
- Complementary to 1MTD and MYN is Michael's Outlook Inbox Ninja video class. It teaches you advanced methods to keep your Inbox clean.
- Self-study at your own rate. Use this along with MYN, 1MTD, or separately.
- Streaming videos that you can watch at any time.
- Learn More
#5: Arrange an On-Site Seminar or Webinar
- Have Michael come on-site at your organization to teach your staff the MYN system in Outlook to get control of e-mail and tasks.
- Or organize a custom webinar.
- Hands-on groups up to 25 people. Presentation style for an unlimited size.
- Michael's client list is a who's-who of corporate America: GE, Shell Oil, Blue Cross, Comcast, AAA, Pfizer, John Deere, Kohl's, Merrill Lynch, US Army Corps of Engineers, US Coast Guard, and many many more.
- Transform your staff in one short day.
- Learn More
#6: One-on-One Coaching
- Michael will work with you live in-person or on the phone to help you master the MYN system in Outlook.
- This is a fantastic way to reach the optimal level of training.
- See details.
#7: Consider Using the new Microsoft To-Do App with Outlook
- In 2019 Microsoft released good integration between its new To-Do app and some versions of Outlook.
- There are some very good smartphone apps in this To-Do suite. I show how to use all this in my new videos.
- See details.
I'd tried other methodologies to master email overload and they fell short. Top down approaches just don't work. Michael's methodology is easy to understand and apply. It provides "stress relief" immediately. With practice, results continue to improve.
Jerry Capute Vice President of Business Systems Tactical Propulsion and Controls