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New Small Project Management Class (webinar) from Michael Linenberger

Announcing the first new class material I have taught for years. It’s a live webinar about how to manage small background projects. The full name of the class is:

“Control Background Projects with The One-Minute Project Manager”

This webinar has been replaced with a video class, see this link

This is for those pesky background projects that a lot of us have, that we must manage along with our regular day-job duties. We can have two to ten of these projects running in the background at any one time. Because we try to fit them in with our regular duties, they tend to get insufficient attention and so bog down or lose direction. And then your boss is all over you for not making progress on them—you look bad. Sound familiar? Well, finally, here’s a solution.

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Kindle Version of 4th Edition Outlook book Released, and it's only $2.99 for Amazon paperback owners

The Kindle edition of Total Workday Control Using Microsoft Outlook, 4th Ed. just went live today (finally!). We learned a lot of lessons on this in terms of speed to market, but are proud of the book results.

Matchbook $2.99 Pricing

And we put it through with Amazon matchbook pricing which means if you bought the paperback 4th edition of the book first on Amazon (months ago, or even seconds earlier), the Kindle edition will cost you only $2.99. Just make sure you sign in on the same account you bought the paperback with, and the $2.99 pricing will show up on the book page automatically.

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Why MYN FRESH Prioritization Works So Well

As many of you know, one of the things that distinguishes the MYN system from 1MTD (and from nearly all other task list systems) is its use of start dates for FRESH Prioritization. FRESH Prioritization is where the task list is configured to automatically sort older Opportunity Now tasks lower in your list. The instruction for FRESH Prioritization is to put today’s start date on nearly all new tasks so that newer tasks start at the top of your list, similar to an e-mail inbox. The result is that older tasks automatically scroll lower in your list, unless you manually promote them higher.


One reason this works so well is that newer tasks tend to have more energy and more relevance for today. Older tasks tend to lose their importance as our priorities move on over time. So this helps ensure that you’re looking at the right things first.

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